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Ava Hile

My Story Part 4

I was not really happy with the chickens I had, but they were all that I had so I continued to breed and look for the best ones.   Then I went to a local reptile show and found a… Read More »My Story Part 4

My Story Part 3

It was my dream that when I was ready to retire from teaching I could sell Ayam Cemani chickens and retire in style! It takes a long time-almost six months before I got my first egg. Then I had an… Read More »My Story Part 3

My Story Part 2

And so-my painstaking hobby began. I got two eggs to hatch. I ordered six more eggs-I got one more egg to hatch and then I ordered 3 one day old chicks for $100.00 each. I lost one of the chicks,… Read More »My Story Part 2

My Story

I was first introduced to an ayam cemani rooster at my school. I am an elementary school teacher and have been for over thirty years. I have always loved animals of all kinds and when I first saw the rooster… Read More »My Story